Dzisiaj miałem okazję pojechać z moim Ojcem na motocyklu po uliczkach na osiedlu. On jeździł na motocyklu kiedy mnie jeszcze nie było na świecie. Dziś jest piękny wiosenny dzień. Peregrino jest bardzo szczęśliwy z tego okruszka życia i wdzięczny losowi za ten moment.
Today I had a chance to take my Dad for a motorcycle ride on the local streets of the neighborhood. It was a very special moment in life as my Dad rode motorcycles for many years even before I was born. Peregrino is very happy and grateful for this fine Spring day and the will cherish the moment in life that it brought.
Today I had a chance to take my Dad for a motorcycle ride on the local streets of the neighborhood. It was a very special moment in life as my Dad rode motorcycles for many years even before I was born. Peregrino is very happy and grateful for this fine Spring day and the will cherish the moment in life that it brought.
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